Meshberry v0.2

DEPRECATED - our latest firmware can be found here.

In an effort to make joining the mesh as simple as possible, a Raspberry Pi image with the necessary software has been created. The steps on this wiki page were followed to create the image.

Download the image from here

What’s included

  • Based on most recent Raspbian image as of now (2014-01-07)
  • NaCl optimized for the Raspberry Pi
  • cjdns installed (with init script)

After following the installation steps below, cjdns will be running and ready to auto-peer on it’s Ethernet port.


  1. Flash the image to your SD card
  • Windows: Win32 Disk Imager
  • BSD/UNIX/Linux: with XXX as the SD card device name dd if=meshberry-v0.2.img of=/dev/XXX
  1. Boot the Raspberry Pi with the freshly flashed SD card
  2. Connect the Pi to your wireless router via an Ethernet cable connected to the Ethernet port
  3. SSH into the Pi and run a script to finish the installation
    (user: pi password: raspberry)
    ssh pi@meshnetpi.local
  4. Run raspi-config and expand your disk space
  5. Update the software
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade

And done! Your Raspberry Pi is now ready to peer with other cjdns nodes.

If you want you want your Pi to route non-cjdns devices to your cjdns network, you can run a script to enable this by SSHing into the Pi and running the following:

Misc. notes

  • Though the Raspbian image is distributed on the stable “Wheezy” Debian release, this image has been set to the testing “Jessie” release. This is because a newer version of ip6tables is required to set the Raspberry Pi to NAT your home network (allowing any non-cjdns-enabled devices to access to the network, including Hyperboria).